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The Day After

Dear Readers, This will be a more personal post. Before leaving, Scott encouraged us all to write, to help us process the firehose of life that just got dumped on our faces. In previous posts I tried to give you a glimpse of the shared experience of the team and an understanding of Romania--so if you keep reading, know these are words that God has given me to make sense of all He walked us through.  But how can you really leave a trip like that behind?  Each of us will have a different way to merge our lives back with all that God has done in and through us.  Here’s what my day looked like yesterday after loading my weary bones into my truck that had been parked in the church lot.  Gave some team members a lift home.  Received a text from sweet Amber.  Gave my kids massive hugs; they grew again. Tried to thank my parents who made it all possible but I don’t know if that was even coherent (I hope you two are reading this beca...

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