Day 8- Bread Making & Breaking

Today is our last full day in Sighisoara and our last day of ministry.  Before VBS, we stopped in the village of Laslea to see how the villagers make bread.  During the winter, many of the churches have wood burning ovens that make bread for the local people 3 times a week.  Our team got their hands dirty and went through all the steps with Ofelia, the master baker at the church.

While it was rising we headed to the village of Saes where we had a group of children waiting for us.  This is our 6th VBS so our team was able to set up quickly and welcome the children in.  Here are a couple shots from this last group of kids.

We headed back to Laslea to bake the bread we had made that morning with Ofelia’s help.  After shaping the dough into 6 round loafs, we floured a large metal paddle before putting the loaf on.  If you’ve ever been to Mod Pizza and watched how they cook your pizza you can imagine how this process works.

We went back to the bed and breakfast to take quick rest and then headed out for souvenir shopping and one last dinner with our Sighişoara family.  We ended up at the Citadel to look for gifts for those back home.  For dinner we revisited a favorite restaurant and lingered long over the table.  We broke bread; one of the loafs we had made that morning.  It was still warm.  Next stop was the gelato stand near the restaurant.  Then there was a 30 minute goodbye.  Here is our last picture as a big team.

And we come full circle.  In saying goodbye, this prayer we’ve prayed for the Romanian church means more because now they are in our hearts.  We had heard of their faith, but now we’ve experienced and been encouraged it.   For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, - Ephesians 1:15-16.   As we leave this place and this newfound fellowship, let us continue to lift up in prayer those whose obedience to Jesus has stirred our hearts.


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